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Sprouted lentils in a glass mason jar.

How to Sprout Lentils

  • Prep Time: 2–4 days
  • Total Time: 10 minute
  • Yield: 23 cups 1x
  • Category: How-To
  • Method: Sprouting
  • Diet: Vegan


Increase the nutritional benefits and digestibility of lentils by sprouting them. Sprouting lentils is so easy and takes almost no effort to do! 




  1. Rinse lentils, removing any stones or debris. Then place lentils in a mason jar, and fill the jar with water until lentils are completely covered. 
  2. Cover the jar opening with cheesecloth. If you are using a mason jar, secure the cheesecloth with the band part of the jar top. Alternatively, you can use a sprouting lid if you have one. Soak lentils for at least 12 hours. 
  3. Drain and rinse lentils, then put the cheesecloth back on the jar. Flip the jar upside and place in a bowl at an angle. This lets the lentils to continue to drain, while allowing air to circulate. Let sit for 12 hours. 
  4. Rinse and drain the lentils every 12 hours until sprouts reach the desired length. The lentils should start to sprout within 24 hours. I like to let them sprout for about 3 days. 
  5. Once you are happy with your sprouts, lay them out on a paper towel to completely dry before storing them in an air-tight container. Sprouted lentils will keep about 5-7 days in the fridge.
  6. Use sprouted lentils as a topping on salads, put them into stir frys, throw them into soups, and much more. Sprouted lentils are safe to eat raw, but you can cook them if you’d like. 

Keywords: Lentils, Green Lentils, How to Sprout Lentils, Lentil Sprouts